Euchema Cottonii 1lb BULK (yields up to 530oz gel)
Euchema Cottonii 1lb BULK (yields up to 530oz gel)
Our wild deepwater Euchema Cottonii is sustainably sourced beyond the shore and dove for off the coast of St. Vincent. This sea moss has been washed on ocean rock and naturally sun-dried with no chemicals or synthetic processing used in the wash or dry process. Only mature plants have been harvested and extracted in a way that allows for quick and abundant regrowth. The natural sun-drying process gives it a vibrant dark golden brown color and it has a rich, smooth flavor profile.
This sea is ultra dried, meaning more water is needed in the blending process to process more of a smooth, fluffy gel.
Please ensure sure you input the amount of pounds you will be purchasing in the Quantity tab.
For orders over 15lbs, please email Mike at